Principal's Message

Welcome to Geiger Montessori Elementary School, a public Montessori school in Tacoma Public School District. Our beautiful new school was designed and purpose-built for Montessori instruction and opened its doors in the fall of 2012. We enjoy large shared activity areas, access to a learning courtyard, a rooftop garden, a dedicated gym, a multi-purpose room, an art room, and a host of other amenities.

The basis of the Montessori Method of instruction is a combination of the prepared environment with specially selected materials, and a teaching style that emphasizes observation and guidance rather than direct teaching and providing answers.

We teach three simple rules; they govern all that we teach, expect and encourage in our students. They are:

  • Care for yourself.
  • Care for each other.
  • Care for this place.

In Montessori classrooms, the design facilitates independent learning and exploration. Typically, Montessori classrooms are bright, warm, and inviting: filled with plants, animals, art, music, and books. Students are found scattered around the classroom, working alone or with one or two others. They tend to become so involved in their work that visitors are immediately struck by the peaceful atmosphere. Students of different ages often work together on projects.

We are proud to be Washington’s second public Montessori school, and we invite you to become an active member of our community. We are all enriched by the experience of relating to and working with one another as we “follow the children,” striving to create optimal learning experiences which assist our children in becoming self-actualized adults.

Sincerely yours,

Angela Williamson, Principal