As a public Montessori school in partnership with parents and the community, we guide a rigorous, individualized education that enables our students to become global citizens in our society.
As a Montessori learning community, we will guide student learning through a prepared and nurturing environment, individualized and challenging instruction, and a method that cultivates critical thinking and global responsibility.
Our Community Agreements
We are a public Montessori school, accepting public accountability, realizing Montessori philosophy, and applying Montessori materials, lessons and best practices.
We consider the needs of students first and foremost when making decisions.
We are committed to equitable practices that prioritize the success of students from historically underserved populations.
We work collaboratively with and between all teams and individuals.
We develop an inclusive, transparent culture that facilitates the meaningful engagement of parents and community members throughout the school.
Everyone at Geiger is committed to the following: caring for ourselves, caring for each other, and caring for this place.
Our Building
Geiger Elementary School was named after William F. Geiger, who had been District Superintendent for twenty years. Groundbreaking for the original school started in June 1948, and the school was dedicated and opened in November 1949. Classrooms were added to the school in 1952, 1954 and 1957. In 1974, the school underwent remodeling.
In 2011, the original school was demolished and a new school was built. The new Geiger Montessori Elementary school was dedicated and opened in 2012. It is one of two Montessori elementary schools in the district - the other being Bryant Montessori.